CIA declassified documents now online

Today the CIA made nearly 13 million pages of previously classified information available to the public online.
The records include public UFO sightings, details of psychic experiments and a whole host of other things that are of interest to conspiracy theorists.
Some of the more unusual documents are from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. Included in these are records of testing carried out on Uri Geller in 1973. There are memos that detail how Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in one room while he sat in a separate sealed room with no access to the first room. Apparently he could produce pictures with varying - sometimes precise - accuracy. The researchers wrote that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner".
I have had a look myself at the site and aside from the above there are several reports on UFOs and flying saucers, details on making invisible ink, details on psychics used in police and CIA operations, records pertaining to the use of poisonous gas, the use of ultrasonic acoustics, information on surveillance, the testing of a 'world wide secure phone system' and I even found some things pertaining to MK-ULTRA, the program that was allegedly concerned with mind control and brainwashing, and has been the keen focus of conspiracy theorists for years.
The most interesting things I personally saw on the site were:
1. A memo indicating that a budget of $2,000,000 was assigned to the Stargate project
2. A report on a 3-year effort to improve remote-viewing by using hypnosis
3. A proposal for an investigation into the use of psychics by not just USA but also Russia
I strongly suggest you check out the site: