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Happy Birthday to my brother

This isn't going to be a long post, I just wanted to put something up in honour of my brother Sam, who's birthday it was today.

We had a lovely day out as a family to celebrate his birthday. I know a lot of people who downplay birthdays, who look at them in what could be called a pessimistic light; with the attitude that it's just another day, it's nothing special, it's another day older, another day closer to death, etc. etc. and they have a point, I mean once you're out of your teens it never seems such a big deal that it's your birthday, but I think if nothing else, it's important to have yearly anniversaries such as your birthday, Christmas and New Years Eve, just to give yourself time to reflect and look back on what's happened in your life and what you've accomplished.

Yes, it's true, all days are merely 1 out of 365 completely identical days and there is nothing technically different about them other than the things we as people choose to assign to them, but it's nice to have them there as markers, just to remind us of the passing of time and our progression through life.

No-one's saying that certain days each year should herald new things and be the start of massive change, there shouldn't be any deadlines or fixed periods in which things should happen- things should be allowed to unfold as and when the time is right. But what a birthday should be is a day to come together with those you care about and simply reflect, enjoy, and be thankful...

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