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The latest and most ridiculous beef

Xmas and New Year's Eve had barely passed us by when the internet became abuzz with heated talks of the latest Hip-Hop Beef. Like a lot of them, this one is silly and in fact personally I think if you take all things into account this one is probably the most down-right ridiculous Hip-Hop Beef ever. Three things really sum this beef up and if you really consider them it sounds like something out of a second-rate soap...

Firstly, consider who the Beef is between: Soulja Boy, a soft-core rapper who's mostly know for kicking off a few stupid dance routines, and Chris Brown, an R'n'B singer who's toughest moment to date was beating up a woman...

Then consider what it's over: As is often the case it all boils down to a female, and she wasn't even in a relationship with either of these guys when the beef kicked off...

Thirdly, look at the level to which the beef has escalated: Soulja and Chris are due to have an orchestrated boxing match, broadcast live in a professionally handled televised, pay-per-view event...

Here's how it's all gone down so far:

In 2016, presumably because he'd fallen off in his career and wasn't getting much media attention, Soulja Boy became a by-word for Beef in the Hip-Hop game. During the latter half of 2016 Soulja was constantly on YouTube and Social Media waging war with anybody and everybody he could.

On Jan 2, 2017, Soulja Boy again took to the world-wide-web to unleash his fury, this time aiming at Chris Brown. Soulja claimed Chris Brown had called his phone to give him a mouthful after Soulja commented on one of Karrueche’s Instagram posts. Karrueche if you don't know is an ex of Chris Brown, who has gone on to make a mockery of Chris any time she can by posting offensive stuff about him and suggesting he's weak for chasing her, even going as far as saying she's slept with all his friends. Soulja went on Twitter to launch his attack at Brown as well as posting a video clip in which he further berates him.

Brown issued a response via Instagram, keeping his cool and not running off his mouth, instead challenging Soulja Boy to a boxing match to settle their differences and on Jan 3 the two were going at each other non-stop on Social Media.

On Jan 4, Soulja upped the stakes by announcing that he was in the process of setting up a boxing match between the two, and had even gotten a few big names involved. He started poking fun at Chris Brown's street cred, saying he can't come to his block, though fans didn't really listen due to Chris' alleged gang-ties. Of course, as far as gang-ties go we all know that neither Chris or Soulja ever had any deep connection to the streets- they blew up first, made the money, and then decided to go out and start gang-banging for some dumb reason, associating themselves with crooks who's only dream is to make enough money that they can get out of the streets, fulfilling some pathetic need for respect, instead of doing something really constructive and hiring some of those goons, giving them real jobs and improving, maybe even saving, their lives ...

Anyway, I digress. Later the same day, Soulja took to the internet to apologise for all his beef-inducing behaviour over 2016, and said sorry to Brown as well as many others he had been beefing with. It's thought that the sudden hospitalisation of his mother may have been what prompted the change of heart.

Soon after that however, 50 cent went public telling Soulja to stop saying sorry and man up. 50 also stated the fight was definitely happening and that he and Floyd Mayweather were both involved in promoting it. Both Soulja and Chris began another war of words on Social Media.

On Jan 5, Soulja and Floyd appeared in a video together to hype up the fight. The back and forth between the two artists was still going on aside from this, and when Soulja posted a photo of Chris Brown's own daughter and her mother allegedly repping Mayweather's Money Team, Chris got really pissed off and told him to never, ever, mention his daughter.

On Jan 6, Soulja sat down for an extended interview alongside Floyd, and said that even before Karrueche Chris was mad at him for hanging with Rihanna. Floyd made it clear he was training Soulja, and Soulja said he was gonna beat Chris down in honour of Ri-Ri.

For the next couple of days, Chris Brown kept things quiet. Soulja announced on Jan 8 that as well as training with Floyd he was looking for good personal trainers, and made it clear that he was dead serious about getting into the ring. On Jan 9, it was revealed that none other than Mike Tyson was training Chris Brown. Iron Mike even said he was working on a Soulja Boy diss track...

On Jan 11, Mayweather appeared on ESPN to talk about the fight and said he wants it to be done for charity. He also denied reports that the boxing match would take place in Dubai, insisting that the bout would take place in Los Angeles or Las Vegas.

On Jan 13, Soulja appeared on video saying that even though he's keen to fight and thinks he will win, he wants to remain friends with Chris after. He also shot down further rumours of the fight taking place in Dubai after Wack 100, The Game's manager who's known to be handy with his fists, insisted that the fight was going to go down in Dubai and that neither Floyd nor 50 have any say in the matter...

On Jan 15, Soulja dropped a Chris and 50 Cent diss track, and Mike Tyson replied with his own track and video on Jan 17.

So it's all shaping up to be a hell of a bout, but who knows if it will even make it into the ring as most of these things seem to fizzle out eventually, no matter how much talk there is of stepping to each other and settling it like men. Don't get me wrong, as stupid as this all is, I would love to see the two fight and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they do...


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