The real scope of our empowerment

When it comes to consciousness, that is the awareness of people with regards to the truths of this world that underlie the common misconceptions that are portrayed everyday by the media and those in power, it's a common attitude that there is a growing rise in the number of everyday people who are waking up and becoming enlightened as to what's really going on.
We largely live in a world that is driven by a consumerist capitalist mind-state, where a huge amount of power and control lays in the hands of a privileged few whilst the main bulk of the population sits idly by, conforming to the social norms without challenging them.
However there are those of us who are constantly refusing to take for granted what the world tells us and steadily seek out the actual facts of the matter, giving rise to a growing movement of enlightenment that is teaching many the truth behind the material lifestyle that has become accepted as the normal way of living in the West. Everyday we are learning more about the reality of life and what is actually important to us, and that way of thinking is letting us see the flaws in the consumer-driven markets of today. We realise that there is more to life than the possessions which we own and the balance of our bank accounts.
Similarly, we have come to see that the balance between what we are told is going on in the world and what is actually going on is not always level, and there is a constant exposing of the inner workings of politics, the military, the government, the media, the financial institutions and the corporations that shows us that behind every facet of day-to-day life there are hidden agendas. We see everyday evidence that those with the power to put great things into action are often motivated by goals that differ wildly to what the public thinks.
The more evidence we see of duplicity and secretive traditions in the world, the more we think the world is going to change. The perceived shift in consciousness and the seemingly growing number of people who are waking up to the truth that we are largely slaves to a sprawling mass of psycho-social trends makes many think that the current way of life can't go on much longer. Surely, they reason, with the sheer number of people who are becoming aware of the truth, it can't be long before a revolution takes place. As they spread the word and as others in return heighten their enlightenment they see rapid change and promise themselves they will capitalise on it and no longer give in. They command themselves to always make a stern effort to keep educating others and influence the coming generations as the inevitable revolution unfolds.
But here's the problem with that way of thinking.
The idea that more and more people are waking up and becoming aware, isn't as true as many think. It's actually almost the opposite of that. The way you perceive the world unarguably determines and defines the way you interact with the world. We as humans actively seek out things that confirm our bias, whilst at the same time ignoring things that contradict our beliefs. What happens is we become more and more aware of the nature of the world and as we meet and interact with others, the ones who share that way of thinking that we have now become fixated on are the ones who catch our eye and the ones we spend the most time interacting with. Those who share a differing view become secondary and are dismissed, so they don't become a part of our estimations. We disregard them, choosing instead to only focus on those people that reinforce what we are focused on. So if we meet 10 people in a day, and 5 of them share our view of the world whilst 5 of them don't, instead of us seeing that as what is in fact a neutral day in terms of the number of additional people who share our view, we only count the 5 positive people and ignore the others, boosting our count of brothers-at-arms by 5.
The actual truth is that less people than you think are conscious and aware of the truth. Because those who see the truth are generally around people who are also aware more than those who are not, they perceive it as a large portion of the population, because in reality your world is relative. Your world is in effect made up of the people who you call your friends, the people you are surrounded with, the people you spend time and collaborate with, and if they all seem to believe in the same thing as you, it influences your world in such a way that you over-estimate the number of people in the world sharing that belief. If all the people you tend to be around believe in one thing, it tends to make you think the whole world believes in it. The unfortunate reality is that even in growing numbers, the amount of people waking up is proportionately small, when looked at the actual population figures.
Yes, I'm sure it's true that with the internet and our modern technology the number of those who are becoming aware is growing. Our on-demand nature that lets us immediately source the information we want as and when we want it and then instantly share and connect with others is doing great things for the consciousness of the world as a whole, but it's too easy to over-estimate it. Moreover, consider that the majority of those who do buy into our way of thinking are probably very unlikely to actually act on it and change the way they live, let alone participate in an uprising or a revolution.
As it's only recently become possible to quantify the numbers of conscious observers thanks to our fantastic modern advances in technology, we can't actually go back very far in time to contemplate how great the growth in awareness actually is, but what many fail to consider is that it's nothing new. Never forget that we as a species have not actually changed that much in thousands of years, so any patterns we see in us as a civilisation today, have probably been around since we first started walking on two legs. Much like those of us who doubt and fight the system today, there will have always been a percentage of humans who doubted, who questioned the status-quo, who believed the conspiracies and enlightened themselves to the point where they understood the real mechanisms at play in society.
Many of the contemporary issues we focus on today are in themselves nothing new and if you look back into history you can see how much the establishment has been put under scrutiny and how little of an affect it's actually had. Back in the 1940s when the fluoridation of water first came into practice, there were mass protests by those who challenged it as unsafe and unethical. They said it was a communist control mechanism. From 1952 Project Blue Book was initiated, a massive enquiry into UFOs and aliens. The JFK conspiracy has been around since the day he was shot way back in 1963, the first book detailing a conspiracy was released in 1964 and even an official investigation in 1979 ruled there was an extra shooter. It didn't change much, debates still rage over it and many other assassinations. It may have woken many to the secretive nature of such affairs, but it didn't have much of an impact on society as a whole. Back in 1975 Adam's Tale shone a spotlight on police corruption, it's not just today's youth that are trying to highlight the authorities dirty nature. In the 1990s documents were leaked about the secret tactics the corporate tobacco companies employed; big business has always been at risk of inspection by the conscious community.
So challenging the world and exposing it's truths is nothing new. But back then, like now, it doesn't tend to have much of an impact. Recently we had an exposing of Roll's Royce over bribery and corruption- has anything changed?
We as lucid humans would have to affect a change to a vast number of people to make any discernible difference to the world and bring about any hint of a cognitive revolution, and there just isn't that many of us. Aside from that, the simple fact is that out of all of those who do believe, only a small percentage of them are actually trying to do anything about it, and out of all those we have to convince, again only a fraction of them would do anything about it. Sadly out of all those who are willing to do something about it, again only a few of them have the power to bring about change.
Whilst the numbers are surely growing, it will be a very long time before they get to the point that they can actually do something significant about it. To put it into perspective, look at the population of just the UK. There's about 25 million people in the UK aged between 15 and 30, so even if you can draw a crowd of some thousands out of that population, it's only ever going to be a tiny fraction of them. Add to that the fact that out of your following, only some of them will buy into what you are saying, and out of those who do only some of them will try to do anything about it, and again out of those willing to do something, only a handful will have the power to affect change. Then remember that the total population of the UK is about 60 million, and you see what you're really up against.
Infowars, which I'd safely say is the largest conscious news/media platform, reaches about 6 million people a month- that's about 5 mil from the USA and 1 mil from other parts of the world. The USA population is 320 million. Conversely, BBC News reaches about 200 million people a week. See what we are up against?
The population of the world is 7 billion, that's 7000 million, how many of them do you think we would need to reach to make a real change?
That's why to me, the important thing to stress above all else, is to focus on making a change just to your world. Don't worry about the world as a whole, don't worry about saving humanity or changing civilisation, that will come with time. It won't be in our lifetimes or our children's lifetimes, but it will come. See, for people to actually do something they have to believe that an issue actually affects them. People will rarely do anything other than for the benefit of themselves or those closest to them. For people to actually wake up and take notice of the realities of the world, to the point where they make a meaningful change to their life, and thus to the world, they have to actually see that something affects them. Of course the truth is that the things we are talking about do affect them, they affect everybody, but unfortunately it's hard for people to see that right now.
The good thing is that with passing time these issues become more prevalent and the longer people are subjected to subversive control the more of a problem it becomes and the more likely it is to become exposed. So consciousness is something that will grow exponentially. In the meantime the important thing is for us to live by the morals we extol when we analyse and criticise social constructs. It's all very well to read into these things and believe in them but then go straight back to playing into the hands of those who control us, rather than make active changes to our lives that combat the social control that's so prominent today.
We might not be able to change the world as one person, but we can at least have some impact, so anyone who truly wants to fight the system should look for some sort of position of influence, be it a simple outlet on social media or a blog, or by gaining employment in a public position, or by backing/joining public ethics or watchdog groups. Any change, no matter how small, has some effect. We are nations of individuals and no one person's voice is more or less important than another's. By the same virtue it's important to vote whenever possible, to make sure a fair picture of support is painted. It's an odd paradox that those who don't vote tend to be the same people who support the smaller parties and movements that need the votes much more than their bigger competitors. Democracy only truly works when all those who should have a say actually do speak up and give their opinion.
Most importantly, we should all continue to voice our opinions and concerns. Whilst a certain lifestyle only works up to a point, and staying adamant in your views can prove troublesome once you have to go out and engage with a world that as a whole shares a different view, it's important that we do continue to put our point across and enlighten those who we may have some small influence over, so that the message of truth keeps on spreading.